What is Fingerprint Analysis?
Dermathoglyphics is a term used to describe a type of scientific studies focused on human fingerprints. This technique was first practiced and developed in the late 19 th century by Sir Francis Galton, a famous English biologist. Even today, his work is considered to play vital role in the studies related to fingerprints. The word dermatoglyphics has its roots in two ancient Greek words. Derma which means skin and glyphe which means carve. We are all aware that people have certain friction ridge formations located on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet. Many scientists have confirmed that most people have dermatoglyphic patterns and in case odd patterns occur than the person is usually suffering from certain genetic disorder or even some later developed mental disorder. That’s why the scientists have created the dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence test or DMIT. Since dermatoglyphics is a branch of science that has long history and it can accurately relate t...